module Top(
input clk,
input [3:0] BTN_Y,
input [15:0] SW,
output BTN_X,
output[7:0] SEGMENT
wire [31:0] my_clkdiv;
wire [2:0] btn_out;
reg [11:0] num;
wire [3:0] A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2; // C1 maybe useless
wire [3:0] mux_out;
wire Co;
wire [3:0] ALU_res;
/* SW[1:0] to control if the counter for A or B is reversal */
wire A_Ctrl = SW[0];
wire B_Ctrl = SW[1];
/* SW[3:2] to choose the mode of the ALU */
wire [1:0] ALU_Ctrl = SW[3:2];
/* SW[5:4] to choose from A B C and 0 */
/* 00 for A; 01 for B; 10 for C; 11 for 0 */
wire [1:0] Trans_select = SW[5:4];
wire [3:0] reg_A_val = num[ 3: 0];
wire [3:0] reg_B_val = num[ 7: 4];
wire [3:0] reg_C_val = num[11: 8];
assign BTN_X = 1'b0;
clkdiv m0(.clk(clk), .rst(1'b0), .div_res(my_clkdiv));
pbdebounce m1(.clk(my_clkdiv[17]), .button(BTN_Y[0]), .pbreg(btn_out[0]));
pbdebounce m2(.clk(my_clkdiv[17]), .button(BTN_Y[1]), .pbreg(btn_out[1]));
pbdebounce m3(.clk(my_clkdiv[17]), .button(BTN_Y[2]), .pbreg(btn_out[2]));
AddSub4b m4(.A(reg_A_val), .B(4'b0001), .Ctrl(A_Ctrl), .S(A1));
AddSub4b m5(.A(reg_B_val), .B(4'b0001), .Ctrl(B_Ctrl), .S(B1));
Mux4to1b4 m6(.D0(reg_A_val), .D1(reg_B_val), .D2(reg_C_val), .D3(4'b0000),
.S(Trans_select), .Y(mux_out));
/* ALU module implemented in Lab8 */
/* A/B : operands */
/* S : select the operation on ALU */
/* C : result of ALU */
/* Co : Carry bit */
ALU m7(.A(reg_A_val), .B(reg_B_val), .res(ALU_res), .Cout(Co), .op(ALU_Ctrl)); // (Co) may be useless
DisplayNumber m8(.clk(clk), .hexs({reg_A_val, reg_B_val, ALU_res, reg_C_val}),
.LEs(4'b0000), .points(4'b0000), .rst(1'b0), .AN(AN),
/* Your code here */
// SW[15]: 0 for ALU mode, 1 for Trans mode.
assign A2 = (1'b0 == SW[15]) ? A1 : mux_out;
assign B2 = ();
assign C2 = ();
always@(posedge btn_out[0]) num[3:0] = A2;
always@() num[7:4] = ();
always@() num[11:8] = ();